2025 Winter Japanese Class Registration Form (PDF)
♦ Beginner
JBP Book I 4th Ed. (Lessons 1~5)
THU (6:30pm)
♦ Elementary - Level 1
JBP Book I 4th Ed. (Lessons 6-10)
WED (6:30pm)
♦ Elementary - Level 2
JBP Book I 4th Ed. (Lessons 11-15)
TUE (6:30pm)
♦ Elementary - Level 4
JBP Book I 4th Ed. (Lessons 21-24)
♦ Intermediate- Level 3
JBP Book II 4th Ed. (Lessons 7~9)
SUN (5:00pm)
♦ Intermediate- Level 4
JBP Book II 4th Ed. (Lessons 10~12)
WED (5:15pm)
♦ Intermediate - Level 5
JBP Book II 4th Ed. (Lessons 13-15)
THU (7:00pm)
♦ Advanced- Level 1
JBP Book III 4th Ed. (Lesson 1-3)
THU (4:00pm)
♦ Advanced - Level 3
JBP Book III 4th Ed. (Lessons 7-9)
MON (5:00pm)
♦ Advanced - Level 4
JBP Book III 4rd Ed. (Lessons 10-12)
FRI (6:00pm)
♦ Advanced - Level 16
JLPT N3 Shin Kanzen Master (P. 82~)
MON (6:30pm)
♦ Advanced - Level 19
N3 Shin-Kanzen Master (P.130~)
♦ Advanced - Level 20
N2 Shin-Kanzen Master Gram + Reading
FRI (8:15pm)
♦ Advanced- Level 22
N3 Listening + reading
MON (7:15pm)
Kayobi-Kai Networking Dinner
ジョージア日米協会 ・火曜日会
2025年02月11日 (火) | 午後 6:30 ET
Nam Phuong (Buford Highway)
RSVP 申し込み : www.bit.ly/JASG-KayobiKai
Kayobi-Kai dinners are on-going dinner meetings that meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month at different restaurants in the metro Atlanta area. The Kayobi-Kai is intended to be an informal gathering to promote friendship and social networking, and anyone who to interested is welcome. All Kayobi-Kai dinners will begin at 6:30pm and everyone in attendance will be responsible for their own check at the end of the evening.
火曜日会は毎月第二火曜日にアトランタの各種のレストランで食事をしな(、参加者の親睦を深めるつどいの場を提供いたします。くつろいだ雰囲気の中でどなたでも参加できます。時間は毎回 6時半からで、支払いは食事の終わりに各自でしていただきます。
The average group attending these Kayobi-Kai dinners is 8-15 people, and depending on the restaurant, we may have to cap attendance. Please sign up if you plan to come, so we know to expect you. Should you have any suggestions and/or requests regarding restaurants for future Kayobi-Kai meetings, please do not hesitate to contact the JASG office and let us know your recommendations. We look forward to seeing you at this and/or other upcoming Kayobi-Kai dinners.
Attendee Registration
Business/Career Expo Booth Registration
Map & Parking Information (pdf)
Ja-Ga Event Guidebook (pdf)
Celebrate dynamic relationship between Japan and Georgia with The Japan-America Society of Georgia (JASG) at its second annual “Ja-Ga Futures Forum.” The symposium explores the past, present, and future of the ever-more important bilateral partnership between Japan and the U.S. and features 4 stimulating sessions and a Business & Career Networking Expo.
ジョージア日米協会では、「Ja-Gaフューチャーズ・フォーラム」 と題した第2回目のシンポジウムを開催します。このシンポジウムでは、これまで以上に重要な日米間のパートナーシップの過去、現在、未来を探求し、4つの刺激的なセッションとビジネス&キャリア・ネットワーキング・エキスポに焦点をあてます。
Global Education Panel Discussion グローバル教育に関するパネルディスカッション
Explore how Georgia and Japan's collaboration can shape the future of global education, highlighting shared dedication to academic excellence and cultural exchange. ジョージアと日本の協力の中で未来のグローバル教育がどのように形成をされるかを、共通な学問的卓越性と文化交流の取り組みに焦点をあて探求する。
Explore how Georgia and Japan's collaboration can shape the future of global education, highlighting shared dedication to academic excellence and cultural exchange.
Help create the future era of Georgia-Japan relations and develop strategies on how you can make a difference through an audience-based interactive discussion 参加者中心のインタラクティブなディスカッションを通じて、ジョージアと日本の関係の新たな時代を共に創造し、自身がどのように貢献できるかを考える方法を築く。
Help create the future era of Georgia-Japan relations and develop strategies on how you can make a difference through an audience-based interactive discussion
Discover how companies look to develop skilled, adaptable workforces by aligning skills with industry needs, implementing innovative training, and adopt diverse, equitable workplaces. 企業がどのように業界のニーズに合わせて技能を調整し、改良されたトレーニングを実施しまた多様で公平な職場環境を整えることで、熟練した適応力のある労働力の育成を学ぶ。
Discover how companies look to develop skilled, adaptable workforces by aligning skills with industry needs, implementing innovative training, and adopt diverse, equitable workplaces.
Network during lunch and breaks between each session to learn more about business & career opportunities at key Japanese companies doing business in Georgia. 昼食会と各セクションの間にジョージアでビジネスを展開する主要な日系企業とネットワークを築き、ビジネスやキャリアの機会について学ぶ。
Network during lunch and breaks between each session to learn more about business & career opportunities at key Japanese companies doing business in Georgia.
2025 Business/Career Expo - Companies/Organizations
Nihongo/Eigo Kai Language Exchange
ジョージア日米協会 日本語・英語会
Saturday, February 22, 2025 @ 11:00AM ET
2025年02月22日 (土) @ 午前11時
Beard Papa's (Peachtree Corners)
5215 Town Center Blvd #620, Peachtree Corners, GA 30092
RSVP 申し込み : www.bit.ly/JASG-NihongoKai
The Nihongo Eigo-Kai is a friendly social gathering for anyone looking for an opportunity to chat in, practice, and improve on their Japanese and English conversation skills – speaking, listening, pronunciation, accent reduction, etc. Please RSVP if you plan to come, so we can keep you updated. Those who signed up will receive an email with final details at least one day before the meetup.
2025 Meeting Locations 場所
Momo Cafe (Momonoki)
To complete your registration, click HERE or
おうちごはん!(Ouchigohan) Hiroshima-yaki
Japanese Home Cooking with Table for Two
in Atlanta/Georgia, Boston, Houston, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Colorado, and North Carolina
Friday, February 28th, 2025 @ 6:00-7:30 PM ET
$10 Members / $15 Non-members
JASG members use code "georgia"
Hosted online via Zoom
( receive an email with the Zoom link and recipe card after registering )
Get ready to experience the flavors of Hiroshima from the comfort of your own kitchen! JASNC is thrilled to host this month's special Ouchigohan program featuring Hiroshima-style Okonomiyaki, a savory Japanese pancake layered with noodles, cabbage, a crepe-like base, and bean sprouts with savory sauces and delicious toppings. This interactive, family-friendly online cooking class will be led by Guest Chef Megumi (aka Meg) Gomez from Otafuku, the renowned Japanese sauce manufacturer. Meg, originally from Hiroshima, brings a deep passion for sharing authentic Japanese cuisine and will guide you step-by-step through the process of creating this iconic dish. We are excited to partner with Table for Two and Otafuku for this unique culinary experience. Perfect for all skill levels, this program offers a fun and interactive way for families to cook together and explore Japanese cuisine.
Megumi Okada Gomez (aka Meg) from Otafuku lives in Los Angeles with her husband and their four children. Originally from Hiroshima, Japan, she works for Otafuku, a renowned Japanese sauce manufacturer headquartered in her hometown. Meg has loved Otafuku’s sauces, especially the iconic Okonomi sauce, since childhood. She feels fortunate to work at Otafuku’s manufacturing facility in Los Angeles, just a short commute from her home. Surrounded by the familiar aromas of Hiroshima, she is passionate about her work and excited to share an authentic Hiroshima-style Okonomiyaki recipe.
Debra Samuels leads the program content and curriculum development of TABLE FOR TWO USA’s Japanese inspired food education program, “Wa- Shokuiku -Learn. Cook. Eat Japanese!”. She was a food writer and contributor to the Food Section of The Boston Globe and has authored two cookbooks: “My Japanese Table,” and “The Korean Table.” She curated the exhibit, “Obento and Built Space:Japanese Boxed Lunch and Architecture,” at the Boston Architectural College (2015) and co-curated “Objects of Use and Beauty: Design and Craft in Japanese Culinary Tools,” at the Fuller Craft Museum (2018). Debra worked as a program coordinator and an exhibition developer at the Japanese department of the Boston Children's Museum (1992-2000). She has lived in Japan, all together, for 12 years and specializes in Japanese cuisine. She travels around the country and abroad teaching hands-on workshops on obento, the Japanese lunchbox. During Covid 19 she is teaching live online cooking programs to youth and adults.
おうちごはん!Ouchigohan! – Japanese Home Cooking is a special collaboration between members of the National Association of Japan-America Societies and Table for Two’s innovative food program, Wa-Shokuiku: Learn. Cook. Eat Japanese!, featuring recipes selected to introduce Japanese food philosophy and preparation techniques. Make simple, healthy, homestyle Japanese food to enjoy with friends and family. This month’s program is hosted by Japan-America Society of Houston and joined by The Japan Society of Boston, The Japan-America Society of Georgia, Japan America Society of Colorado, Japan-America Society of Indiana, Japan-America Society of North Carolina, Japan America Society of Greater Philadelphia and The Japan-America Society of Washington D.C.
The Reception & the Conservator Conversation will be held inside the Anne Cox Chambers Wing at The High Museum of Art, located at 1280 Peachtree Street, N.E. Atlanta, GA 30309,
For map and directions, please visit https://high.org/directions-and-parking/directions-tab.
Sara Ribbans is the conservator of Asian paintings at the Cleveland Museum of Art (CMA), concentrating on Japanese and Korean paintings. While Sara examines, treats, and conducts research on the entire collection of Korean and Japanese paintings, her focus since coming to the CMA has been the treatment of Japanese Buddhist paintings on silk. Prior to working at the CMA, she was an apprentice at Tominaga Beizandou in Kumamoto, Japan, before becoming a conservator at Usami Shokakudo Company in Kyoto, Japan. She holds a master of art conservation degree, concentrating on paper conservation, from Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, and a BFA from York University in Toronto.
This program is supported by a grant to the National Association of Japan America Societies (NAJAS) from the United States-Japan Foundation. We are grateful for their support.
Map/Directions & Parking Information
The Georgia State Capitol will host Japan Day on March 18, 2025, from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM, commemorating the 51st anniversary of the Consulate General of Japan’s office in Atlanta and will highlight the long friendship and economic relations between Japan and Georgia that former President Carter carved the way for over 50 years ago while showcasing the cultural and economic bonds that connect the two regions.
The event is hosted by the Georgia-Japan Legislative Caucus, led by Representative Matthew Gambill, Representative Yasmin Neal, Senator Kay Kirkpatrick, and Senator Sally Harrell.
Attendees will experience a dynamic morning of cultural exhibits, business showcases, and insightful discussions, highlighting Georgia’s position as the hub of Japanese industry in the Southeastern United States.
Georgia and Japan: A Thriving Economic Partnership
Atlanta and Georgia are recognized as the center of Japanese industry in the Southeastern United States. Japanese-affiliated companies have invested over $11 billion in Georgia, with more than 600 Japanese-affiliated companies employing nearly 40,000 workers statewide. Furthermore, over 50 Georgia-based companies maintain major operations in Japan, emphasizing the mutual economic interdependence that fuels innovation, growth, and international collaboration.
Japan Day at the Georgia State Capitol offers a unique opportunity to strengthen these economic ties and enhance mutual understanding between the Japanese, American, and broader international communities in the Southeast.
Location: Georgia State Capitol 206 Washington St SW, Atlanta, GA 30334
Event Time: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
For more information, please contact Sandy Riordan at georgiapan@yahoo.com or 678-996-9105.
JAC Guidelines 2025.pdf
JPN Academic Challenge Team Registration
Venue Information, Map & Directions
JSC Guidelines 2025 (pdf)
We are thrilled to invite you to our upcoming international mixer on Thursday, April 17th, 2025 at Hotel Indigo Vinings! This is an exceptional opportunity to connect with representatives from nearly 20 diverse chambers, all dedicated to fostering collaboration and building strong business relationships.
By attending, you'll have the chance to engage with a wide array of professionals, share ideas, and explore potential partnerships that can lead to significant business growth. Don't miss out on this chance to expand your network and become part of a vibrant community committed to connectivity and mutual success.
Don't wait to RSVP as this event SOLD OUT quickly last year!
The Japan-America Society of Georgia, Inc.
is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote
mutual understanding between the people of Japan and the state of Georgia
Phone: 404-842-1400 Email: Admin@JASGeorgia.org