Attendee Registration
Business/Career Expo Booth Registration
Map & Parking Information (pdf)
Ja-Ga Event Guidebook (pdf)
Celebrate dynamic relationship between Japan and Georgia with The Japan-America Society of Georgia (JASG) at its second annual “Ja-Ga Futures Forum.” The symposium explores the past, present, and future of the ever-more important bilateral partnership between Japan and the U.S. and features 4 stimulating sessions and a Business & Career Networking Expo.
ジョージア日米協会では、「Ja-Gaフューチャーズ・フォーラム」 と題した第2回目のシンポジウムを開催します。このシンポジウムでは、これまで以上に重要な日米間のパートナーシップの過去、現在、未来を探求し、4つの刺激的なセッションとビジネス&キャリア・ネットワーキング・エキスポに焦点をあてます。
Global Education Panel Discussion グローバル教育に関するパネルディスカッション
Explore how Georgia and Japan's collaboration can shape the future of global education, highlighting shared dedication to academic excellence and cultural exchange. ジョージアと日本の協力の中で未来のグローバル教育がどのように形成をされるかを、共通な学問的卓越性と文化交流の取り組みに焦点をあて探求する。
Explore how Georgia and Japan's collaboration can shape the future of global education, highlighting shared dedication to academic excellence and cultural exchange.
Help create the future era of Georgia-Japan relations and develop strategies on how you can make a difference through an audience-based interactive discussion 参加者中心のインタラクティブなディスカッションを通じて、ジョージアと日本の関係の新たな時代を共に創造し、自身がどのように貢献できるかを考える方法を築く。
Help create the future era of Georgia-Japan relations and develop strategies on how you can make a difference through an audience-based interactive discussion
Discover how companies look to develop skilled, adaptable workforces by aligning skills with industry needs, implementing innovative training, and adopt diverse, equitable workplaces. 企業がどのように業界のニーズに合わせて技能を調整し、改良されたトレーニングを実施しまた多様で公平な職場環境を整えることで、熟練した適応力のある労働力の育成を学ぶ。
Discover how companies look to develop skilled, adaptable workforces by aligning skills with industry needs, implementing innovative training, and adopt diverse, equitable workplaces.
Network during lunch and breaks between each session to learn more about business & career opportunities at key Japanese companies doing business in Georgia. 昼食会と各セクションの間にジョージアでビジネスを展開する主要な日系企業とネットワークを築き、ビジネスやキャリアの機会について学ぶ。
Network during lunch and breaks between each session to learn more about business & career opportunities at key Japanese companies doing business in Georgia.
2025 Business/Career Expo - Companies/Organizations
The Japan-America Society of Georgia, Inc.
is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote
mutual understanding between the people of Japan and the state of Georgia
Phone: 404-842-1400 Email: