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Southeast U.S.-JAPAN CONFERENCE | 米国南東部日本協会

“Shaping the Future with Partnership, Innovation, and Growth”

Join the Georgia, USA Delegation to the 46th Annual Joint Meeting of the Southeast U.S./Japan and Japan – U.S. Southeast Associations, October 27-29 at the Charlotte Convention Center in Charlotte, NC.

This prestigious gathering celebrates our longstanding business and diplomatic partnership and offers delegates unparalleled networking opportunities with business leaders from one of Georgia’s largest trade and investment partners.

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Full Conference registration: $600. Program details are available on the Georgia events page. Registration closes October 4. Room blocks close on September 30. Please contact Mary Waters for more information.

What is SEUS-Japan?

Created in 1976 by former Georgia Governor George Busbee, the Southeast U.S.–Japan Association (SEUS-Japan) was established to promote trade, investment, understanding and friendship between Japan and the southeastern United States. Member states include Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee, and SEUS-Japan has a Japanese counterpart, the Japan-U.S. Southeast Association. Both memberships include top business leaders and government officials. An annual conference between the two associations is held on a rotational basis in Japan and the southeastern U.S. Each of the seven states serves as “Host and Co-Host State” for a two-year term and assumes leadership of SEUS-Japan during that period. The state of Georgia hosted the first annual joint meeting in Atlanta in 1976,and will host it again this year.


The 42nd Annual Joint Meeting at the Westin Savannah Harbor in Savannah, Georgia October 20-23, 2019, promotes business-to-business matchmaking, trade and investment and knowledge-sharing among the participants. For more information including registration, special tours Savannah and the program, please see


米国南東部日本協会 (米国側) と日本・米国南東部協会(日本側)は、日本と米国の加盟州間での貿易、投資、相互理解および友好関係の促進を目的として、1976年に設立され ました。現在、米国南東部日本協会にはアラバマ州、フロリダ州、ジョージア州、ミシシッピ州、ノースカロライナ州、サウスカロライナ州、テネシー州が加盟 する一方、日本側の日本・米国南東部協会には、日本のトップ企業のリーダーの方々や政府高官が会員となっております。日本と米国南東部間の長年の経済的、 文化的つながりを評価確認して開催されるこの重要なこの会合には、グローバルなビジネス界のリーダーが集まり、出席者間の情報交換と交流を深めるまたとない機会となっています。

日本と米国にあるこの両組織による合同会議は、年に一度 日本と米国側南東部加盟州内にて交互に開催されています。また米国側では7加盟州が交代で「ホスト州、準ホスト州」となり、2年の任期の間SEUS-Japanのリーダー役を務めます。年次合同会議には米国南東部日本協会の7加盟州から州知事、企業の社長およびCEO、経済開発分野やビジネス界のリーダーが集まり、毎年400-500 がこの会議に参加しています。会合ではビジネス界と、大使や総領事を含む政界のリーダー間でのミーティングが開催されるなど、日本と米国南東部間の経済関 係にとって非常に重要な会合となっています。

Recap of 2019 SEUS-Japan Meeting

October 2019 marked the 42nd SEUS-Japan conference, an annual event celebrating the longstanding diplomatic and economic ties between Japan and the Southeast United States. Since the inaugural event in 1976, SEUS-Japan has remained a hallmark of Southeast U.S.-Japan relations with hundreds of delegates convening each year to recognize the important relationship between the two regions. Georgia hosted this year’s conference, welcoming more than 430 delegates to the coastal city of Savannah.


The Japan-America Society of Georgia, Inc.

is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote

mutual understanding between the people of Japan and the state of Georgia 

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